
In the business since 2007

We have been active in the Datacenter Services business since the company was founded in 2007 and It's not long ago that this particular division accounted for 90% of our sales. During this time we have successfully served more than 1200 customers, among them we have also very well-known references.

What can we offer you

Dedicated servers
Virtual Servers
Virtual private clouds
Data Storage
Providing communication channels
Housing of equipment

Key reasons for choosing DigitalOne

13+ years of experience

High End Server only from the market leaders, Hewlett Packard and Cisco

High End Routing and Switching by Juniper and Cisco

Competitive pricing

No hidden fees, or extra cost

Excellent reliability and uptime record

Free, friendly, expert, 7 days a week technical support

All dedicated servers are housed in the worlds leading data center which offer and boast industry leading security systems, cooling and 24/7 monitoring

Get in touch with us for a tailor-made solution!